Welcome to Evolve Integrative Wellness

We guide you on a transformative journey towards balance, healing, and self-discovery. Our mission is to empower you to live a life of vitality, purpose, and joy.


Our bodies hold emotions and trauma from experiences in our lives. These experiences leave cellular imprints in our bodies. This causes a biochemical response in our subconscious mind that many times we do not know exists.

Think of a time when you’ve heard a song on the radio and that song immediately takes you back to a point in time or an event/experience that occurred in your life. Or when you smell a smell that makes you think of a person, place, or experience.

These are examples of biochemical responses that have left either a positive or negative imprint on you. MBSR helps to identify those imprints stored in our subconscious and release the blocks to positive emotions or release negative emotions associated with the imprint on your subconscious mind. 

Our services

  • Comprehensive Health Coaching & Mind Body Spirit Release

    9 sessions (4 Health Coaching calls + 5 MBSR sessions - sessions can be combined) $1300

  • Comprehensive Health Coaching

    (initial appointment with 3 follow-ups) $449

  • MBSR Only Package3

    (5 sessions) $899

  • A La Carte MBSR

    One MBSR session (90 minute call) $249

Providing you with a safe space to relax

All your appointments will take place in our soothing office environment with fully private rooms, complimentary tea and water, and individualized care.

“Clove helped me find a therapist that I connected with, whose services aligned with my needs, and who was flexible with their scheduling. Clove helped me check off all the boxes.”


Get started with Evolve Wellness, Today.